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Holding Capital Yatirim

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Forbes Afrique

Faycal Lalioui, a French-Algerian serial entrepreneur based in London, runs his business with the same guiding principle: to make money and have an impact.

Born in Paris in the late 80s, Faycal Lalioui fell into the business world as an early age. For this son of an Algerian shopkeeper, instead of going to the cinema and playing football after school with his friends, it was more a case of going to the market and working. It’s not an experience he’s bitter about. Quite the opposite, in fact. « My father ran a family business exporting meat abroad. I started working for him very early on. Even though he was very hard on me, very demanding, even though I didn’t get a holiday until I was 19, for me it was the best schooling, » the entrepreneur admits today.

Faycal Lalioui added a solid university education to his father’s training. He studied finance and obtained a master’s degree at the prestigious Sorbonne before moving to London. Fayçal Lalioui, who didn’t feel he was a good student but was comfortable in the sciences, confides: « Initially, I went to London to improve my English, but then I decided to stay and develop my international activities there ».

In the meantime, Fayçal Lalioui was learning his trade in the City, where he was quickly spotted and built up a solid address book. In 2015, he joined forces with the engineer and Senegalese architect Pierre Goudiaby Atepa. In fact, it was alongside the advisor to former President Abdoulaye Wade that the young Fayçal made his debut in the real estate business. In 2019, with an associate of Lebanese origin, he set up Capital Yatirim, an investment company based in Istanbul, Turkey.

To achieve his goals, Fayçal Lalioui enlists the support of the best. He hired the former vice-president of Citibank in New York, Yoro Mohamed Diallo, as well as other highly influential bankers in the field of finance. In this way, he managed to extend his activities to Qatar, Paris, London, Istanbul, Brussels, Algiers and Cape Verde. 

« We are the only company to offer this double guarantee to investors in blockchain ».

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In the meantime, Fayçal Lalioui is returning to his roots, with major hotel operations in Africa, such as the Gamboa Plazza project, the first five-star hotel in the Cape Verdean capital Praia, an investment of 250 million dollars.

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7 jours Info

7 Jours Info

While in London to meet potential partners of his two FOUNDATIONS, Mr Paul BIYOGHE MBA was invited by some of them to take part in the ceremony organised by the CONSERVATIVE FRIENDS OF ISRAEL, CFI, at the PARK PLAZA WESMINTER BRIDGE on Monday 29 November 2.

Nearly five hundred (500) leading figures from the economic, industrial, commercial, scientific, cultural and social spheres took part. The event was presided over by the British Prime Minister, the Right Honourable Boris JOHNSON, accompanied by Mr YAIR LAPID MK, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the State of ISRAEL.

On this occasion, Prime Minister Boris JOHNSON gave an important, rational, encouraging and optimistic speech, with strong prospects for the future of the world and relations between countries, despite the times of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Paul BIYOGHE MBA presented to his guests the two FOUNDATIONS he has created, one for the Sea (FOMER) and the other for Social Protection (PROSOBE), as well as the Food Bank he has set up for 2019. He pointed out that these three (03) structures are the first of their kind in Gabon and Africa.

He placed particular emphasis on the protection of the world’s oceans and seas, health and food security, especially in developing countries. This objective, clear and precise presentation captured the attention of the audience.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson warmly welcomed Mr Paul Biyoghe MBA. The two High Personalities exchanged a few moments and then posed in front of the MEDIA.

Paul BIYOGHE MBA is, among other things, a Doctor HONORIS CAUSA in Public Administration from COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY. He also holds a MASTER CLASS CERTIFICATE in Management and Leadership from the LONDON GRADUATE SCHOOL.

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Holding Capital Yatirim